The best loan app for you depends on your needs. For instance, you might not have good credit and need some extra money quickly. In such a case, a low-interest personal loan could be the answer. These loans usually report your payment activity to credit bureaus to boost your credit score and make it easier to obtain more credit in the future. However, the privacy risks and high interest rates associated with these loans may not be worth the short-term boost.
Another app that can help you with your financial needs is the Bhanix Finance & Investment Limited app. It has a four-star rating on Google Play and has over 5 lakh users. It has a variety of features, including a user-friendly interface. It offers loans from its subsidiary, Bhanix Finance.
This app offers a variety of financial services and has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use. Its features include the option to apply for an instant loan, long-term term loans, and different amounts. It also offers unique services such as the Buy Now Pay Later service, which lets you make purchases from big companies without having to use your own money.
Another popular app that offers instant loans is EarlySalary, which offers short-term personal loans to salaried individuals. The approval process is quick and easy, and users can use the funds to finance online purchases and travel. In addition, Credy offers top-up loans that you can use to purchase items online.
The app also offers the option to earn bonus cash. Givling is part trivia app, part crowdfunding platform. It automatically places you in a team of three. In return, you can answer trivia to earn points. Once you reach the top of the queue, the app pays you off. In addition, you can see what you save from different payment strategies.
Another instant loan app is U Cash, which provides a 91-day loan. In other words, you can have the money you need for a vacation or wedding in just a couple of days. The EMIs are calculated daily and are deducted from your bank account. However, if you do not pay, the firm will take legal action.
You can also try Dave, which offers instant cash advance of up to $200. Dave offers the option to delay repayment up to 29 days, but the interest rate is a bit higher than other loan apps. Dave also reports to the credit bureaus, which can impact your credit score. Therefore, it is best to repay your loan on time to avoid any negative impact on your credit score.